Sign up for Jalsa Waqfe Arzi


Majlis Khuddamul Ahmadiyya UK hold Waqfe Arzi programme during the Jalsa Salana period. The purpose is to: help with setup of the Jalsa Salana UK site before the inauguration, increase the knowledge of Khuddam through interactive and faith inspiring Talim classes, teach Khuddam soft skills, DIY and various other key skills, create lifelong brotherhood and friendship between Khuddam through team work and team sports, establish a personal connection between Sadr Majlis and Khuddam.

Jalsa Waqfe Arzi department has been very blessed that Hazrat Khalifatul Masih V (aba) has graciously mentioned Waqare Amal done by Khuddam in his Friday Sermon from 2014-2017.

“Waqfe Arzi is a way of reforminbg the inner self. The second biggest benefit of the Waqfe Arzi scheme is that those who go on it get to self examine themselves in certain aspects. They become aware of some of their own weaknesses before they leave, and get inclined towards prayers.” (Daily Al Fazl 12th February 1977 – Hazrat Khalifatul Masih III)

Click here to sign up for Waqfe Arzi.


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