Message from Amir Sahib UK on Jalsa Salana 2022


Please note the following update from Amir sahib

Asalaamu Alaikum

  • I pray that you are well. In light of new instructions received from Huzur Aqdas(aba), please note that all regions and Jama’at members are now welcome to attend Jalsa Salana UK on all three days.
  • All attendees must have their valid AIMS ID card.
  • All attendees must have a copy of their full Covid vaccination certificate (digitally or paper copy).
  • If you do not have a copy of your full vaccination certificate, you will have to bring a negative lateral flow test result within the preceding 24 hours.
  • There is no age restriction for Jalsa attendance, however over 75 year olds will have to have a copy of their full Covid vaccination certificate, otherwise they will not be allowed to attend Jalsa Salana.
  • There is no requirement for proof of vaccination for children under 12 years of age.
  • All attendees must wear a face covering at all times at the Jalsa Salana site.
  • Kindly pray for the success of the Jalsa Salana UK. Please also continue to pray for the long and successful life of beloved Huzur and his family. Please also pray that Allah the  Almighty protects us all from the potential harm of the Covid-19 pandemic and enables this pandemic to end quickly. Ameen


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