Jalsa Salana UK’s Inaugural Address by Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad, Khalifatul Masih V


Taqwa: The Root of All Good Deeds

26 July 2024 – A Day of Spiritual Awakening

At approximately 4:30 pm on Friday, 26 July 2024, Hadeeqatul Mahdi was abuzz with anticipation as Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad, Khalifatul Masih V, hoisted the Liwa-e-Ahmadiyyat. He then made his way to the jalsa gah to commence the inaugural session of Jalsa Salana UK 2024.

Opening Session

Upon arriving on stage, Hazrat Amirul Momineen invited Feroz Alam Sahib to recite Surah Aal-e-‘Imran (Ch.3: V.133-137) from the Holy Quran, followed by its Urdu translation. Muhammad Ismatullah Sahib then recited an Urdu poem by the Promised Messiahas on the theme of taqwa (righteousness). Following this, Danish Khurram Sahib and Ehsan Ahmad Sahib presented a Persian poem by the Promised Messiahas, with its Urdu translation provided by Mahmood Ahmad Talha Sahib.

Huzoor’s Inaugural Address

Hazrat Khalifatul Masih V began his address by reciting tashahhud, ta‘wwauz, and Surah al-Fatihah. He then highlighted the sacred purpose of Jalsa Salana, distinguishing it from ordinary worldly gatherings as envisioned by the Promised Messiahas. He elaborated on how the Jalsa serves as a spiritual retreat, fostering a deeper faith, personal purity, and a spirit of brotherhood in line with the Promised Messiah’sas teachings.

The Concept of Zuhd

Hazrat Amirul Momineen offered a detailed exposition on the Islamic concept of zuhd, emphasizing its significance beyond mere abstention from worldly pleasures. Citing the Promised Messiahas, he explained that true zuhd involves prioritizing faith over worldly matters while never being heedless of Allah. He described it as a profound spiritual state where believers, while engaged in worldly activities, remain constantly mindful of Allah. Huzoor urged attendees to introspect and evaluate whether their lives genuinely reflect this elevated state of being.

Taqwa: The Foundation of Virtues

A significant portion of Huzoor’s address was dedicated to taqwa, or righteousness, which he identified as the root of all moral and spiritual virtues. He quoted the Promised Messiahas, who stated that one of the primary purposes of the Jalsa is to cultivate piety within oneself. The Promised Messiahas affirmed, “The root of every good is righteousness,” and that preserving this root ensures the survival of all virtues.

Huzoor elaborated that taqwa is not merely the fear of Allah but an active pursuit of righteousness that should permeate every aspect of a believer’s life. This pursuit leads to a deeper connection with Allah, guiding one through various stages of spiritual development. He encouraged attendees to continuously assess their spiritual states and strive for improvement, embodying the highest standards of taqwa in their thoughts, actions, and interactions.

Implementing Islamic Values

Huzoor highlighted the importance of integrating Islamic values into daily life, focusing on honesty, humility, and the sincere fulfillment of duties. He discussed the detrimental effects of dishonesty and pride on both individual spirituality and societal harmony. A believer, he stressed, should always exhibit humility and withdraw from prideful competition. By cultivating humility, believers can reflect Allah’s mercy in their actions, fostering peace and security in society.

Creating a Harmonious Community

Huzoor emphasized the necessity of forgiveness and patience in dealing with one another, particularly within the diverse community gathered at the Jalsa. He encouraged attendees to resolve conflicts and create an environment of mutual respect and understanding. By embodying these qualities, members of the Jamaat can contribute to a peaceful and cooperative atmosphere, essential for collective spiritual growth.

A Call for Global Peace

Expanding his guidance to a global context, Huzoor addressed the role of Ahmadi Muslims in promoting global peace and understanding through prayer and righteous action. He highlighted the responsibility of Ahmadi Muslims to pray for and support oppressed populations worldwide, including Palestinians and Ahmadis in Pakistan.

Conclusion and Prayers

In his concluding remarks, Huzoor reiterated the spiritual objectives of the Jalsa Salana as outlined by the Promised Messiahas. He called upon attendees to reflect deeply on their spiritual progress and to make concerted efforts to enhance their piety and devotion. Through continuous self-assessment and reformation, participants can ensure that their attendance at the Jalsa translates into lasting spiritual benefits, aligning their lives more closely with the divine expectations set forth by the Promised Messiahas.

Finally, Huzoor led everyone in silent prayer, concluding the first day’s proceedings of the Jalsa. His prayers included a plea for Allah to enable everyone to implement the pious objectives of the Jalsa, foster true spiritual reformation, and bring ease to oppressed populations around the world. The day ended with a sense of spiritual renewal and a strengthened commitment to the principles of righteousness and brotherhood.


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